This week I received my energy bill of 2015 and it turns out that it was a year with a lot of sunshine. The output of my solar panels was more than I expected. The graph of my provider displays my consumption of the recent years: The top graph shows the consumption of electricity. In 2014, our eldest son left our house and our second son moved the next year. So, the solar panels were not the only reason for the displayed savings in the graph, but the difference with the year 2009 is fantastic.
Our electricity consumption was 9,860 kWh for 2009. Our current electricity consumption from our provider is 1,756 kWh. So we managed to save more than 8,000 kWh and 8,000 kWh * $0.22 is a cut of $1,760, - per year! My solar panels generate 4,500 kWh per year, so the remaining savings of 3,500 kWh were because of other saving activities.
I have compared all the invoices of the last few years and just looking at the investment of the solar panels, then I will have recouped the investment within three years from now (from the start date within eight years).
The gas consumption (since the latest repair of our system) is now stable, but the investment in the hot water system is unfortunately disappointing. So, my advice is to buy solar panels first. Buying Solar Panels is really profitable. The payback period of a hot water system is longer and you have to be a little more patient. Solar panels are halved in price since 2010!